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Rejoindre une équipe à forte valeur ajoutée
Nous rejoindre
Pour intégrer une Société dynamique, experte en solutions d'outsourcing, et ainsi participer à des projets d'envergure, nationaux et internationaux.
Pour penser et mettre en œuvre des solutions avancées dans le domaine des systèmes & technologies de l'information.
Pour accompagner nos Clients "Grands Comptes" dans leurs projets stratégiques de transformation digitale
Pour donner du sens à votre carrière dans le monde du conseil !
Nous avons mené des projets ensemble
For the moment I was contacted by Asenium to support a client of theirs, it was a challenge since the requirements comprised some domains that were not the main ones for me. In other words, it was shifting me outside my comfort zone. I am really grateful since in the IT business and specifically in SAP we need to be continuously learning and be open to new challenges every day and one step at a time. I also want to five thanks to Alvaro for his excellent management skills and for being so supportive. I also want to thank the whole Asenium tema for being people-focused. Of course, all companies need to be client-focus first to be successful but when besides that they go the extra mile and care about the consultants it is really something to highlight.
Gaston LemoSAP PP Consultant Since 2022, he has been assigned to a client in the automotive sector as a master data manager and support end user for a global SAP roll-out project for Spain, France, UK, Italy and Poland
From the first moment I joined Asenium I have felt supported and valued. The management has been totally transparent and always couting on my opinion when dealing with the client. The incorporation process was agile and efficient, everything was clear and respected according to the agreements reached.
Without a doubt, a consultant company with excellent personnel management.
Marta MedrandaSAP FI/CO Consultant Since 2022, she has been assigned to a client in the automotive sector as a SAP FI/CO Consultant for global SAP S/4 Implementation for Europe and Asie.
A Asenium foi de extrema importância para minha entrada no mercado de trabalho informático em Portugal. Tendo já mais de 10 anos de trabalho como desenvolvedor freelancer no Brasil, tentei por dezenas de vezes ingressar em empresas de tecnologia no território português e / ou europeu. Todas estas tentativas sem sucesso, ou por acharem que eu não me encaixava no perfil desejado, ou por não possuir um determinado conhecimento ou pelo meu nível de inglês que diziam ser insuficiente.
A Asenium, entretanto, viu em mim potencial que as outras não viram, desta forma me dando esta oportunidade que eu soube aproveitar e retribuir com o meu trabalho e esforço, atendendo e até superando as expectativas. Estou hoje em meu segundo projeto num cliente da empresa e extremamente satisfeto.
Iniciei na Asenium como Consultor Front-end. Em pouco tempo consegui me destacar e liderar a equipe de refator React, onde havia sido iniciado o refactor de um sistema artes em Angular.js e agora em React. Neste projeto tive a responsabilidade de developer front-end e de Tech Lead, bem como reviewer. Nesta posição tinha a tarefa de orientar novos desenvolvedores a adentrar a equipa e orientar / distribuir tarefas para o desenvolvimento do refactor do projeto.
Passados seis meses fui transferido para um outro projeto onde me encontro até agora, onde faço parte de um Scrum Team com mais outros 4 developers, todos front-end, e ocupo a posição de Senior developer. Neste projeto temos a missão de atualização do sistema existente, bem como o desenvolvimento de novas features para atualização do mesmo, sempre que necessário.
Mario LeandroReact Developer Since 2022, he has been assigned Between April 2021 and June 2022 he held the position of React Developer at a major media group
Travailler avec Asenium a été une expérience extrêmement enrichissante, marquée par un niveau exceptionnel de professionnalisme, d'efficacité et de transparence. L'approche de l'entreprise, axée sur des contrats gagnant-gagnant avec le consultant, témoigne de son engagement envers des relations collaboratives durables.
Ce qui m'a particulièrement marqué, c'est l'attention exceptionnelle accordée aux besoins tant du consultant que du client. L'assistance proactive et personnalisée de l'équipe d'Asenium a véritablement dépassé mes attentes, contribuant significativement à la réussite des projets et renforçant la confiance dans notre collaboration.
Un immense merci à toute l'équipe d'Asenium pour son dévouement constant, son professionnalisme exemplaire, et l'impact positif qu'elle a eu sur ma carrière et ma vie personnelle.
OUSSEYNOU Dieng Senior Big Data Engieer - He joinded Asenium in July 2023 to work as Data Engineer for one of our client in the Health Sector - Paris
When Asenium contacted me for a project opportunity they were extremely helpful to make it happen for the sake of both sides. Especially Miss Ninon Jouan was very supportive and caring and I am very grateful to her for her continuous support. I would like to thank Asenium for the great cooperation and their ambitious people.
Joachim Bergunde IT Support Consultant Retail
It is with great joy and satisfaction that I close and deliver my first project here in Europe, even though I had just arrived, I was very well received and approached by Asenium, who treated me with great transparency and objectivity, I felt very, very well received and valued, I was invited to take part in a major project for a French company, to migrate data and hypercare, which was very challenging and satisfying, because despite the challenges I had all the support I needed, and what makes a big difference to me, is the recognition of the work once it has been done and delivered, I can only thank you and I'm already looking forward to the next challenges! .
Marcos ViniciusSap Logistics Specialist Nos valeurs
Inclusion et diversité
Le Management d’Asenium est convaincu que l’inclusion des diversités permettra à la société d’accroitre son niveau de performance et s’efforce au quotidien de faire vivre un environnement stimulant où chacun peut s’épanouir et évoluer en toute confiance
Sur un marché en constante évolution, Asenium s’interroge en permanence sur comment adopter des pratiques qui permettent d’impacter positivement l’environnement, la société dans laquelle nous évoluons et la planète dans son ensemble.